As regards some questions from MySuperCall users, here is more information to help you understand more about our services.

1. MySuperCall to MySuperCall: All MySuperCall members can be able to call each other. It means  MySuperCall to MySuperCall or MySuperCall Global Intercom. Each user uses his own unique acc. name i.e. freecall S/N No).

2. MySuperCall to Landline: MySuperCall members can call to any cell phone and landline in general countries listed in the standard country cover list with unlimited times and unlimited minutes in a full year. User will be required to renew for additional years with a fee depending on your subscription plan.

3. Picking up Calls from MySuperCall: A recipient will pick up calls with any kind of traditional type telephone without internet access. Even an old type of general phones can pick up crystal quality sound.

4. What is needed for MySuperCall services: To enjoy MySuperCall, users (caller) are only required to have a good internet connection.

5. MySuperCall to out-of-list countries: If MySuperCall user wants to call anyone who is in a new country which is not yet listed in our country list, he can request a free MySuperCall additional account and pass it to an user in any new country. The free additional account will be required to be setup by  the user who is in-need in the new country. This additional account can enjoy the MySuperCall -to- MySuperCall  Service (See #1). In case that an additional account would like to call any normal cell phone or landline which are within the general countries, just pay for a standard year plan to upgrade himself to enjoy unlimited MySuperCall later. Visit our Country List for our coverage.

6. Opening services to new countries: We can open a MySuperCall official service to a new country if any prospective distributor would like to market our MySuperCall service in a specified country. Just let us to know where you would like to run MySuperCall l business and provide some valid domestic cell phones and landlines for a connection testing. We will reply to the client after having a result soonest.

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